Monday, 25 February 2013


Back in the late 80’s, electronic portfolios (or known as e-port) are quite new and people were not used to it. Students more comfortable and excited to do traditional portfolio that plays with papers, scissors, glue and colourful glitter. The fun of making arts and crafts using hand is anticipated by students and even the teachers are excited to see the products of the students.

Things nowadays get different. As the time passed by, world is changing in all aspects including the evolution of our education systems and methods. Portfolios and scrap books are being revolutionized into electronic technology. There are kinds of technology such as electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) and several applications from Microsoft Office tools (word, power point, publisher and many more).

Creating a portfolio in modern way also can nurture many good values and exposure to the children. As the children especially students are exposed to technologies in early age, teachers and parents need to supervise their activities while using technological gadgets  Students can learn and absorb that computer is not just as a tool for them to play games or surf the Internet. The computer also can be good assistance in studies and help them with homework.

Here, teachers and parents' role are important to tell them about the pros and cons of using computer or other gadgets  Teachers may put the reminder unconsciously to the student and pre-set it in the students’ mind set. All of technology things are good and may come handy at some time, but remind them that it may lead into something bad and distracting if they used it in the improper way.

Parents also can help and not putting the burden on teachers only, but as adults, the “supervising mode” must be on every time the kids used the computer and try to help them as much as you can. Providing the right contents(parents can control the content in the computer and monitor the usage , well thanks to technology ) in their gadgets also a big help in order for the kids not to astray too much from their work.

Nowadays, kids need to be taught in the latest technologies in learning method as they are becoming so smart and all tech-savvy. It is also inline with the teachings of Islam. There is a saying from Sayyidina Umar al- Khatab r.a mentioning on the issues about educating your children according to their "period" and not according on how you were taught. 

"Raise your kids according to their time of life and not your time of life"

Last but not least for now, it is not wrong to keep ahead and advance as long as our intention (niyyah) is not deviating from the reason  of our creation, which is to serve and keep humble yourself to the Creator.


Ilm (knowledge) is unquestionably an essential element in our life. That is why; seeking knowledge is made an obligation upon every Muslim. But, what does ‘Ilm (knowledge) truly mean? What is ‘Ilm (knowledge) all about? These are difficult questions to answer because every individual has different views and their own understanding about ‘Ilm (knowledge). It is a fact that most people only have a partial understanding about what is ‘Ilm (knowledge) is. What is ‘Ilm (knowledge) is not clearly explained yet. When it comes to the point of defining a single meaning of what is ‘Ilm (knowledge), we may find different voices and claims. The overlapping of meanings of ‘Ilm (knowledge) has been continuing for thousands of years and seem to continue in the future.

What, then, is ‘Ilm (knowledge)? According to Webster’s dictionary, knowledge is “the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association”. In Islam, the meaning of ‘Ilm (knowledge) covers much wider connotations. Anything that takes you closer to Allah is ‘Ilm (knowledge). ‘Ilm (knowledge) brings a great reward to human being. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make a path to Paradise easy for him.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Kitaab al-‘Ilm, 10).

                                                       "Recite in the name of your Lord who  created"

'Ilm (knowledge) is a very important aspect in Islam the first verse of Surah Al-Alaq commands Muslims to read which also shows the importance of knowledge. In Islam, there is a concept whereby everything that human beings undertake in life should be geared towards fulfilling the ultimate purpose of life which is to serve Allah. Islam teaches us the rules, principles, guidelines that we should follow, how we should behave in particular situations, how should we relate to the environment and to people, what is the best way to organize society and much more.

So far as Islam is concerned, Islamization of knowledge gives positive outcomes not just to Muslims, but all mankind. Islamization of knowledge prevents conjecture and falsehood. This is because the knowledge that we acquired was revealed by Allah hence is based on true knowledge that give a lot of benefits to the mankind. By exposing ourselves to this concept, directly or indirectly, we will be able to affect how people around us think and act. As the vicegerent of Allah, it is our responsibility to spread the true knowledge and bound to bring further development to each creation. Peace, prosperity, security and happiness are guaranteed if man as the Khalifah thinks and acts in accordance to the knowledge and guidance of Allah.  

By inserting the Islamic values in our daily activities, it is proven does help us to distinguish right from wrong. Not only that, as students, by exposing themselves to the Islamization concept does assist them to understand better about their self, the world and their relationship with others. Above all, Islamization helps to create generations that are always positive and ethical.


Webster Dictionary. (2013).  Knowledge. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from


1) Did the course incorporate the use of computer in the teaching and learning?
The answer is yes. The most obvious use of language related to discourse analysis is regarding its function as one of the sources in studying the real discourse from the internet. These days, the internet has led to many research of human behaviour and indirectly, the spoken and written sources from internet contribute a lot in studying language behaviour.

2)  Are the computer-based activities related to any of the three stages of CALL?
Yes.The computer-based activities of discourse analysis are related to all the three stages of CALL.

 3) What are the important concepts in the three stages related to the activities?
Behaviourist CALL views language as a form of habit. Hence it stresses on the computer-based activities that teach people the accurate use language and it exposes people to the language through repetition of language behaviours. For instance, activities like audio-lingual teaching and grammar translation keep the learners within the fix language behaviours as what’s being taught in textbook. The concept of memorizing language through these computer-based activities is introduced as it is believed can help learners to acquire language better. Thus, it stresses on the role of computer as mechanical tutor for the learners as the source of language learning.

Communicative CALL on the other hand promotes discourse analysis through the concept of discovery learning.  It is a better approach in learning language as oppose to behaviourist. Hence, it changes the function of computer from a tutor to pupil. Discourse is being examined by the students themselves instead of being taught one by one by computer. Here, computer has become one of the pupils that can provide computer-based activity such as problem solving activities which need the students to explore the language by themselves.

However, integrative CALL is much closer to discourse analysis because it serves the language learners as one of the tools for interactive communication. As mentioned before, the internet is one of the sources in studying discourse because it provides authentic use of language. For example, the language used in chat rooms and YouTube can be analyzed critically which certainly will bring discourse analysis into the bigger field of language study. Some of the activities include task-based, content-based and project-based activities which provide learners to authentic environment.


From the three stages of CALL, the integrative CALL gives more benefits to language learners as it is integrating various language skills and it uses computer as a tool in the ongoing process of language learning. Behaviorist approach has become less important due to the fact that imitation does not expose learners to the real context of the language used by real people. Social interaction will always help learners to understand discourse better. Observations of the language patterns used in the internet and social interactions can help the process of language learning. The language used in Facebook, Twitter and other chat room in the internet prove that language can be different from what is solely being taught in the classroom because language changes always happen in our real life. 

Besides, the cognitive theory on the role of teacher as facilitator put learners themselves as the main role in language learning. It is true that instead of being told everything by teachers, learners will learn more if they can construct their own knowledge from their previous knowledge. In this sense, the role of the computer as a pupil that facilitates learners is better than its role as a tutor. However, the only obvious shortcoming of cognitive theory is it does not enhance the collaborative need in language learning as propose by integrative CALL.

Language seems to be an important part in our everyday life since the early age. As time goes by, the importance of language appears have been overlooked due to the development. Language is used wrongly when more and more development occur. The users of language do not do justice to the language. As Muslims, we need to be careful when dealing with language and bear in my how we use language to represent ourselves.

This is because Allah s.w.t does not love those people using bad language against other humans. There are also several Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. that talks about avoiding bad language. 

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: The Prophet never used bad language neither a "Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say "The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character." (See Hadith No. 56 (B) Vol. 8).

And as Muslims, we should use the language appropriately and talk using good words as if we are talking to our creator. As mentioned by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, 

“Do not talk excessively without remembering Allah, because such excessive talk without the mention of Allah causes the heart to harden, and the person furthest from Allah is a person with a hard heart”.

However, there is nothing wrong with language as long as it is good and does not harm others. It is noteworthy that language is one of the mediums in establishing communication, interaction and harmonious society. In fact, language is also an essential requirement for maintaining the unity among people. Apart from that, Islam also asks us to collaborate with each other in gaining knowledge.

All approaches have their positive and negative elements. For example, if we look at how the behaviourist approach helps learners in the learning process we will agree that this approach by hook or by crook has its own quality but it also has the downside which cause the learners become passive. As in Islam, it is stressed that the learners are the one who searching for their teacher in order to gain knowledge. So by only imitate and not trying to put some effort, it will lead to many negative impacts. Plus, it is not a proper behavior to imitate something without deep understanding.


 Da'if hadith, at-Tirmdihi, Kitab az-Zuhud, 7/92, gharib; no one else has transmitted it other than Ibrahim ibn Abdullah ibn Hatib, whom adh-Dhahabi mentions, 1/43, stating that this is one of the gharib hadith attributed to him.

Sunday, 24 February 2013


Computers have been used for language teaching since 1960’s. The history of computer in language learning (CALL) has undergone three main stages which reflect a certain level of technology as well as a certain pedagogical approach.

            First of all, in the 1960’s, Behaviorist CALL emerged. It's based on behaviorist learning model. They were designed under the influence of behaviourism which was proposed by B.F. Skinner (1957). The computer was viewed as a mechanical tutor. This stage featured dialogues and pattern drills, grammar translation, and audio-lingual teaching. The well-known system during this time was PLATO. It featured repetitive drills, grammatical explanations and translation tests at various intervals (Ahmad et, 1995). The technology developed during this stage was mainframe.

            The next stage, Communicative CALL emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s which was about the same time as the rejection towards behaviorist approaches. This approach reflects cognitive theories which emphasized that learning was a process of discovery, expression and development. It focused more on using the forms than on the forms themselves. It was not what the students did with the computers that matters, but what they did with each other while carrying out the given task was emphasized. Software developed during this stage was text reconstruction programs as well as simulations. (Warschauer & Healey, 1998). The technology used during this stage was PC.
          Dissatisfaction towards communicative CALL later on leads to the emergence of Integrative CALL. From the cognitive view they move to more social or socio-cognitive view. It emphasized the authentic use of the language and authentic environment. Some approaches of this stage were task-based, project-based, and content-based. This stage integrates various skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as technology into the language learning process. It stressed the learner-learner interaction where the computer becomes the tool for interactive communication. Students can interact via international or local network by accessing, organizing information through databases, and using word processors. The technology utilized during this stage was a multimedia networked computer.


          The writing of the History of CALL is crucial as an opening for this subject. Thanks to Dr. Rozina by providing us the slides and the reading material (Warschauer, M. & Healey, D. (1998). Computers and language learning: An overviewLanguage Teaching, 31, 57-71), so that this entry can be done. We believe that before we learn a subject matter, it is vital for us to know the history concerning the subject matter so that we will have a general idea about the subject.  By understanding the history; perhaps we will understand better the content of this subject that will be learned in the future. For us, by studying the history, we can know a lot and we can learn from history to develop more useful and beneficial skills or practices in the future. 

        Moreover, Islam emphasizes the importance of knowing history as we can learn a lot from history. A history full of lessons and examples that it is up to human beings today to follow what is good and to avoid what is bad so that bitter history will not be repeated. History also can be the foundation for us to improve and develop. We can see the growth of any field through its history, thus it is possible for us to expand further the knowledge we already have for the betterment of the Ummah today and in the future. We believe that we have to put our own effort as much as possible and then tawakkal to Allah s.w.t. To improve ourselves, as Quranic verse below indicates that Allah will not change one condition unless they try to change it themselves first.    

For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah . Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron. Surat Ar-Ra'd:11.


Dr. Rozina, Computer Assisted Language Learning: A Brief History Power Point Slides Show, Sem 2, 

Quran. Surat Ar-Ra`d. Retrieved from

Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (1998). Computers and language learning: An overview. Language 
      Teaching, 31, 57-71.