In order to create an effective power point presentation, Victor
Chen has highlighted some important points that should be looking at. For
example, he stressed on the font size, colour used and content arrangement that
will keep our power point presentation simple and clear. All these are needed
to ease the presenter during the presentation and to avoid the audience from
having any visual distraction due to unorganized power point presentation.
Besides, as students we have to know the basic skills of creating an effective
power point presentation to fulfil the assessment requirements. As for the long
term benefit, Insya Allah, when we embark into the working world in the future,
this skill is very helpful for us to make an excellent presentation whether for
proposal presentation, meeting, special occasions and so on.

Typically, people will tend to judge us through
our presentations. Hence, preparing an effective power point presentation also
very important because our slides are actually what people will be looking at
besides us. We know that the function of the slides is to provide information
and knowledge to people. This is very much related to the Islamic method of Da’wah
since Da’wah also gives us knowledge. People will not listen to us if our
points are not clear enough. Hence, Islam stresses on the clarity of messages
given to people. Besides, we need to keep our message simple yet informative.
People will understand better if they are clear with what we say, in this case,
what we show in our power point presentations.
Victor Chen also explains that we have to be consistent
in creating our slides, for example by choosing only one font for the whole
power points. We can see here that consistency also is needed in Islam. For
instance, in preaching other people, consistency is needed to avoid any
confusion of thoughts. A good da’i also must be very consistent in his/her way
of giving Da’wah. Victor Chen then says that a good power point must avoid cramping
all information in one shot and putting too much detail in one slide. He wants
to say that we have to show any info one by one to make it easier to be
Again, Islam encourages us to be moderate in
giving Da’wah to allow people to accept the message slowly without any burden.
This is very clear because we know that even Al-Qur’an was revealed gradually.
For instance, Allah had revealed the verses related to the prohibition of
drinking gradually because during the early stage of Islam, it was the habit of
the Arab’s people to drink. Hence, to prevent them with one command will made
them hard to accept the new ruling. After all, we have to know the right
technique of creating power point presentations as the slides somehow will give
us confidence during the presentation because we will not fluster if our slides
are good.
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