Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah as
finally we are reaching to the end of this course, and the blog has been
created as it is now. Although there were lot of hardship we had gone
through in order to complete the task of creating this blog, but we thank Allah
for His mercy by giving us time, health, and strength so that we can come out
with a blog that we hope can be beneficial for us as well as the readers.
Throughout the journey of creating the blog, we have learnt a lot of things and
experienced sweet and sour of a journey of creating an informative and
interesting blog.
We learnt a lot through this course as
we knew the history of CALL, CMC, Islamization of knowledge, corpus linguistics
and other related fields. We do not only learn them, but we also try to incorporate
them into language learning and try to understand how these different
sub-branches are useful in helping learners to learn a language. We didn't only
learn the content on this subject, but we also learnt how to use technology
indirectly by creating this blog. We discovered a lot of new things as we had to dig up how to make use the tools and technology in order to complete this
task. As the process of creating, designing, posting and editing the posts was
time consuming, we tried to co-operate with each other with the guide from Dr.Rozina bt Abd Ghani to create an informative blog.
As the purpose of this blog is to share
our limited knowledge on Islamization of knowledge and we try to focus on
Islamization of Discourse Analysis, we found out that it was not an easy task
to do, but we hope that our restricted knowledge on the subject can be beneficial to the readers. This blog also allowed us to be critical and creative in thinking as we need to reflect our class discussion.That’s all from us. May Allah bless us and
help us in gaining knowledge and understanding. InsyaAllah.
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