1) How has
CMC transform the dynamics of interaction?
Computer mediated content (CMC) has actually changed the dynamics of human
interaction nowadays. It evolved according to the time and technology that has
been advancing to different levels and circumstances. Firstly, CMC helps us in
widening our interaction scope between people regardless of place and status.
For instance, we have Social Network Site (SNS) that represent ourselves in the
virtual site. Starting from normal webpage such as MySpace, Friendster and MSN
Chat room, many other new interactive sites such as Facebook, Tagged, Skype and
Twitter have been popularized. All of these sites enable us the users to
connect with everybody from any parts of the world. Information and knowledge
also can be shared easily regardless of time, space and place. For example, in terms
of education, we can easily connect with teachers and lecturers out of our
country to share thoughts and opinions on some certain issues. Other people
also can join in if they are interested with it. They can enjoy the conversation
or discussion among them and can freely throw out their opinions and comments.
Secondly, CMC can actually change the notion of someone’s attitude and
behavior. It can change someone who is an introvert type of person into
extrovert type. This is because usually CMC mode of interaction involves the
use of electronic gadgets such computer, laptop and mobile phones. Hence, it
will avoid the face to face communication which is seen as burden to some
people and for that they will be more active and lively to share their
opinions. In virtual conversation, they do not need to open their mouth to talk
or and came up with spontaneously reply. They can leave the conversation and
after a while they can continue it back. Hence, it always gives time for us to
reply and edit our messages.
2) How has
this transformation shape society?
In the positive lights, CMC has built a society that is open-minded and
flexible. Once they are on the SNS sites, everyone that has their own opinions
and views can share it directly to the intended person or even to the public. Thus,
with the light and very relaxing environment, they can simply give reactions
and comments without any burden. Society also has become up-to date without
missing any important event that happens in the country. Many websites provide
us with information and knowledge within the tip of the finger. One cannot
claim that he/she does not know about anything nowadays because all information
and news are actually can be got in one click. Another important point to be
discussed on is the social capital network. It simply means that people from
various place, religion and culture can easily be connected with CMC modes of
interaction. There is no harm in having many contacts from various people as Allah
s.w.t already mentioned in Al-Quran on how we should interact and get to know
each other. Surah al- Hujurat, verse 13:
mankind! We created you from a single (pair), of a male and a female, And made
you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (Not that ye may
despise (Each other). Verily, the most honored of you in the sight of God is
(he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well
acquainted (with all things).
Nevertheless, there are some downbeats of using the CMC
mode of interaction in our life. CMC as the mode of communication will make us
lose the social and soft skills. It means that we will not have a normal and
smooth face to face conversation anymore because we tend to depend too much on
CMC. The value of having people talking face to face will fade away when
discussion and conversation are done virtually. For instance, if a father and a
son only have their conversation through computer or over short messaging
system (SMS) most of the time, their relationship will not be as good as the
relationship between a father who give advices and maintain the physical
contact with his son.
3) Is this
mode of communication in synchronous with Islam?
As long as the communication is not equipped with contents that are
contradictory to Islamic teachings, and it does not bring any harm to the mankind,
it is alright. Islam is a religion that is simple and eases the followers in
every possible way. But sometimes, having a real conversation (face to face) is
more convincing and solidifies the bonds among the Ummah. A conversation is
more meaningful if it is beautify with body languages and gestures. It gives
more meanings in thoughts and deep understanding towards the person that we talk
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